Asset Finance Loan

  • This product enables members to buy motor vehicles and other business assets that may be approved from time to time.


    • Member should have deposit to loan ratio of at least 1:5
    • 3 times multiplier on deposits
    • Maximum repayment period of 48 months
    • Interest charged at 1.25% per month on reducing balance method
    • Loan is open to offset by other loans
    • The asset financed must be 10 years and below
    • Loan secured by guarantors or collateral

    The key requirements are as follows:

    • All vehicles covered except for PSV vehicles.
    •  Car value is the insurance premium.
    • Insurance policy must be completed and attached to the loan application.
    • Member must complete the loan application.

    More requirements include: -

    • Cheques paid directly to the insurance company.
    • Loans repaid within a period 12months.
    • This loan is granted at a 1 % interest per month on a reducing balance method

N:B For payment charges refer to Tariff  Guide under downloads.